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The Daily Signal Podcast

Israel Escalates Attacks on Hezbollah, Media Coverage of Trump Assassination Biased, Iran Hacks the Election | Sept. 10

Thu, 19 Sep 2024

TOP NEWS | On today’s Daily Signal Top News, we break down:

Electronic devices continue to blow up on members of Hezbollah.

Research shows extreme media bias against Trump after second assassination attempt.

Teamsters avoid endorsing presidential candidate.

Iranians hack the Trump campaign.

Organization sends explicit gender materials to Wisconsin daycares.

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Held Hostage in Syria, He Says ‘Everything’ Was Taken From Him But His Faith

Thu, 19 Sep 2024
Syria was one of the last countries left on Sam Goodwin’s list. He was young and on a mission to join a small group of people alive today who have visited every country in the world. 
By 2019, Goodwin had already traveled to 180 countries, including those with hostile regimes in Iran, North Korea, and Venezuela. 
“I had always traveled, because it was fun and I enjoyed it, but most importantly, I learned from it,” Goodwin says. “Travel was always the best education I'd ever had.”
With fewer than 20 U.N.-recognized sovereign states left to visit at the time, Goodwin—then 30—arrived in Syria on May 25, 2019. He had been in the country only for a couple hours when, while walking to meet his guide, “this black pickup truck abruptly pulled up next to me, two armed men jumped out of the back seat, and instructed me to get inside,” he said in an interview on “The Daily Signal Podcast.”
Goodwin would spend the next 27 days in solitary confinement in a prison cell with no windows. 
“Everything had been taken from me, my material possessions, my communication, my freedom,” he said. “But no matter what, I knew that my faith was absolute, and I would have been in a completely different situation without it. What I learned most significantly in that cell is that we're never less alone than when we're totally alone with God.” 
After those first 27 days, Goodwin was transferred to a cell with other prisoners, where he spent an additional 35 days. While in prison and accused of espionage, Goodwin had no idea the efforts that his family was making to rescue him, and the unlikely friend God would use to help set him free. 
In his new book, “Saving Sam: The True Story of an American’s Disappearance in Syria and His Family’s Extraordinary Fight to Bring Him Home,” Goodwin details his travels across the globe and how his faith gave him the strength to endure 63 days of captivity in the Middle East. 
Enjoy the show!

UN Demands Israel Withdrawal, Millions of Illegals Expected to Vote, Federal Reserve Cuts Interest Rates | Sept. 18

Wed, 18 Sep 2024
TOP NEWS | On today’s Daily Signal Top News, we break down:

The U.N. demands that Israel withdraw from Gaza. 

More than 1 in 4 Democrats believe America would be better off if former President Donald Trump had been assassinated, a poll shows.

Experts say somewhere between 1.5 million and 2.7 million illegal immigrants are likely to cast a ballot in the 2024 elections.

The Federal Reserve announced today it is cutting interest rates.

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What to Do If You Get Smeared Like Nick Sandmann

Wed, 18 Sep 2024
Todd McMurtry was a lawyer, but he had never practiced defamation law before legacy media outlets demonized 16-year-old Covington Catholic High School student Nick Sandmann for the crime of "smirking" while wearing a Make America Great Again hat. Now, McMurtry has published a book about defamation law—a book he recommends as a kind of "car insurance" for cancel culture.
"I think that you should treat it like buying car insurance," McMurtry tells "The Daily Signal Podcast" of his new book, "Dismissed: How Media Agendas and Judicial Bias Conspire to Undermine Justice." He warns that most Americans with a traditional values approach to life should expect to face attempts to "cancel" them.
He notes that smear campaigns happen to "everybody," from high school students to college athletes to professionals to housewives. "I've dealt with dozens and dozens of these people, and it happens all the time."
McMurtry warns that Christians and others who support traditional values face an increasingly hostile culture, from the LGBTQ movement to the movement for "diversity, equity, and inclusion" or DEI.
Enjoy the show!

Trump Addresses Second Assassination Attempt, House to Vote on CR, Hezbollah Promises Retaliation | Sept. 17

Tue, 17 Sep 2024
TOP NEWS | On today’s Daily Signal Top News, we break down:

Donald Trump speaks publicly for the first time since the second attempt on his life. 

Democratic Senator Richard Blumnethal slams the Biden-Harris administration for “stonewalling" requests for information on the two attempted assassinations of Donald Trump.

House Speaker Mike Johnson announces the House will move forward with a vote on Wednesday.

Lebanese military group Hezbollah promises to retaliate against Israel.

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